Why Lighting Is So Important for a Home Renovation

Home Renovation

When renovating a home or carrying out some home improvement, the goal is to make the home more livable or to boost its value ahead of putting it on the property market. The precise way to go about this latter task, however, depends very much on the specifics of the local property market. You should always seek the advice of professional real estate brokerage with a strong local market knowledge. 

They will advise you to how to spend your money most effectively. Nevertheless, there is one piece of advice that every realtor will give you, and which you should follow even if you are not renovating your home for sale. You can ask anyone at all really, and they will tell you the same thing: lighting is vital. 

But why? Well, there are a few obvious answers to this question. Everyone knows about the practical benefits of ensuring that your home’s natural light and the lighting fixtures are up to scratch. After all, you need to see what you’re doing and where you’re going, and nobody wants to have to run up electricity bills during the daytime! 

You knew that, of course. However, lighting comes even more into its own when it comes to boosting the value of the property or simply making it more attractive. This is all down to the importance of your home’s interiors. If they are not well lit, all manner of interior home improvements could ultimately come to nothing. 

CityHome Collective, a real estate broker out of Utah that also offer interior design in SLC, advise that if you’ve spent a great deal on furnishings, wallpaper, and everything else that makes for a great interior, you’d better make sure that these rooms are well lit! 

Different Lighting Solutions 

Of course, we’ve been talking thus far as if lighting is some homogenous thing that a home either has or doesn’t have. This is far from the case, of course, and there are many different lighting solutions you can install in your home to ensure it is, quite literally, shown in the most favorable light. 

What one you go for naturally depends on the type of lighting you have. Here are the main choices for artificial light: 

Bright Light 

Bright white light is all about enhancing emotions and showing everything in your home as it really is. This is the type of light for doing activities in (that’s its practical benefit) and it allows the best light for ensuring hygiene. This is why kitchens and living rooms are typically lit in this way. 

Blue Light 

Modern LED blue light solutions are becoming increasingly popular and can make a home seem very cutting edge. You should, of course, bear in mind that more traditional looking homes will not benefit from this to the same degree as modern looking homes. Again, seek the advice of a realtor or interior designer. 

Natural Light

Natural light is incredibly important, and there is no type of home that will not benefit from it. In fact, every home will actually decrease in value if there isn’t at least some degree of natural light getting into the place. Humans live by the light of the sun, and there are all sorts of health problems associated with not getting enough natural light. Truly, you should make a point of ensuring that your windows are letting in enough to light rooms in the daytime. 

If you haven’t worked out why lighting is so important to a home by now, it is simply this: there is no type of property on Earth that does not need it.

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